Who We Are
TamTam’s Farm Sanctuary is currently the home of of 9 pigs and 4 cows that were purchased from a meat farm here in Humboldt County. Once Tam moved them off the meat farm, she rescued an abandoned horse, and a lame mini horse. Then there was a goat that was tethered for YEARS! Well Tam took him to the sanctuary and of course you can't have just one goat so she ended up with 4! Now that tethered goat is free to run on 13 acres! He is also the pack leader of the goats :) All of these sweet and funny individuals have names, eat high quality organic food and love affection. Since Tam doesn't own land yet, that is the limit of the sanctuary 's occupants right now.
Future Goals
Teach Male Calves to Pull Plows and Carts
Humboldt County has a large cattle, meat, and dairy industry. The male calves in the dairy industry are considered a waste product and are taken away from their mothers the first day of life. They are often thrown into cramped cages where they cannot move in order to produce veal, or the calves are killed right away. A dairy cow is forcefully impregnated every two years, only to have her baby taken, so humans may have all her milk. Mother cows are traumatized and cry for their calf for months. The dairy cow usually makes it to about 6 years old before her production wanes, and is then sent to slaughter. TamTam’s Farm Sanctuary will adopt the baby boy calves to raise them with love, and additionally teach them to pull carts and plows for local farmers to employ. Mother cows would be adopted and sent out to pasture to hopefully bond with orphaned males. This can generate income for the farm and it will help many local farmers who want to keep diesel particles off of their crops. A cow can maneuver with more agility than a tractor, is far less costly, and is also a friend. Win/win!
Provide a refuge/rehab for dogs and cats on the euthanasia list at the local shelter. 1.5 million dogs and cats are killed each year because of lack of space and the stress of being in a kennel for too long. Tamtam’s Farm Sanctuary would provide a rehabilitating environment, where these dogs and cats can stretch out and be themselves. There would be a dedicated shelter for animals that need recovery time from injuries or medical treatments, and a nursery for mother dogs and cats to wean their puppies and kittens. Most would ideally be adopted into loving homes - but if not, they would stay residents of Tamtam’s Farm Sanctuary
Old Hen and Rooster Retirement: Being that Humboldt County is rural and there are thousands of small farms, the dilemma most farmers have is what to do when their chickens stop laying eggs and the surplus of hatched roosters. TamTam’s Farm Sanctuary would like to dedicate space to address these living byproducts of the local egg industry.
Petting Zoo
The most friendly residents of Tamtam’s Farm Sanctuary would spend some time in an area designated for a petting zoo. This is a wonderful way to educate children on the importance of being kind to all animals. Most likely the pigs would be ambassadors to the petting zoo.
Find homes when possible
Residents of Tamtam’s Farm Sanctuary would be adoptable to carefully screened people. Steers that pull are of value to farmers, and so are well trained canines. Pigs and cats make great companion animals.
School Field Trips
These field trips will provide a visceral experience to children and teens about what their food is, and about animal guardianship. A vegan caterer will provide delicious food and hopefully inspire future minds to be kind.
At-Risk Foster Youth
Eventually, Tamtam’s Farm Sanctuary would like to sponsor at-risk youth. They would help out with chores and be responsible for certain animals. Some of these youths have been abandoned and abused, much like some of the residents of Tamtam’s Farm Sanctuary. Learning and taking pride in guardianship is mankind’s greatest characteristic; the belief is that these youths will develop connection and empathy to the animals in their care.